Whistleblowing Policy

Type: Policy / Best Practice
Karina Hovden Stava

This policy is to be used for reporting serious concerns and irregularities in the client’s or Omega’s business activities in situations when reporting through the regular line organization is not an option.

All co-workers in the Omega 365 group of companies, both employees and hired-in staff, are covered by our Whistleblowing routine.

When do you blow the whistle?

If you suspect actual or potential

  • Breach of Omegas Ethical Guidelines
  • Breaches of laws, or any of our internal policies
  • Bullying, harassment, discrimination
  • Breaches of security or safety procedures
  • Corruption, fraud or other financial irregularitiesme
  • Other wrongdoings by the company that affects personnel, or the public in general
How do you report?

Co-workers in Omega normally report matters openly to their Department Manager, Safety delegate or using the Incident reporting tool in Omega 365. We encourage an environment that permits discussion and reporting of irregularities or wrongdoings openly.

Early warning is key to limiting damages and correcting the situation. If it is not possible to report the situation openly to the line organisation, or if a report is ignored, then the protected Omega Whistleblowing routine can be used.

Whistleblowing is made by use of the email address whistleblowing@omega365.com. The email is received by the CEO in Omega. The CEO is the only person authorised to access this e-mail account, and he/she may also be contacted in other ways if the whistleblower so prefers. Or you can use the form found here.

Principles for Whistleblowing

Individuals reporting irregularities or wrongdoings will have their identity protected throughout the entire process and thereafter. All disclosures will be dealt with fairly and correctly

Normal routines for dealing with whistleblowing
  1. The CEO makes an initial screening to determine if it merits further investigation after consultation with (unless inappropriate) the senior line management, alternatively external advisors.
  2. If the CEO's findings are that an irregularity which should be brought to the board’s attention is at hand, a report will be drafted and (unless inappropriate) communicated to the relevant line management for comment.
  3. The report with (unless inappropriate) the comments of the line management will be communicated to the board.
  4. The whistleblower will be given information about the case to the extent it is asked for and deemed appropriate.

All reports received will be investigated, initially by Omega's CEO who includes relevant participants depending of the nature of the issue. In case of serious allegations Omega may decide to engage external resources to assist with the investigation.

The person reporting the issues will be given information about the investigation to the extent it is asked for and deemed appropriate.


Reports made under this policy will be treated confidentially. Only persons taking part in the investigation will be informed of the subject matter. Upon a further investigation however, it could become apparent to other personnel who the whistleblower is.

If it is likely that their identity will become known, the whistleblower will be notified first.

Commitment from Omega Management

Management in Omega acknowledges that whistleblowing is positive for the company. It helps compliance, reduces misconduct and can prevent damaging incidents from occurring. We will protect our personnel’s right to blow the whistle. here